I just want to start by saying I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Both my Christmas and New Year's were enjoyable, and I look forward to what this year is going to grow into, and also slightly apprehensive considering the pandemic.
It's been a couple of months since I last posted, and a great deal has been going on. I've had a few suppliers back-ordered on supplies because of COVID, but I since had everything restocked and everything is back to 'normal'.
I've had the chance to go through all my stuff, clear out what I don't use anymore, and re-organize my room (well, not me per say. My boyfriend was so helpful since I am having back issues). Afterward, everything was relocated into the new office that I now have. It is much bigger than my old room, and I will be able to have more freedom making more purses/pouches, decals, and much more. I am super psyched about this move and can't wait to make new designs!
Keep up to date via Facebook and my blog.